I recently finished Final Fantasy X HD Remaster; my first time playing the game in Japanese, first time with the International Version, and my third time finishing it in total. As I made my way, I began to realize that Lulu really doesn't end up doing much relevant to the main story. She certainly has a role to play, but I'm not convinced that it's integral to the plot in any meaningful way.
Simultaneous to this realization, I began to resent Wakka for the way he is a bit more relevant to the plot, but in ways that other characters could have done. By the end, I had to conclude that if Wakka were dropped from the party, and if Lulu took over his role in the narrative, FFX might be a better game (and no, that doesn't mean Lulu should play blitzball. There's more than enough blitzball in here as it is).
To explain why I think we should drop Wakka and give his role to Lulu, let's first look at some words that describe Wakka.
- Blitzball player
- Guardian
- Chappu's brother
- Religious
- Racist
Points to Square for adding some weight to what is ultimately a mini-game, but I don't think Wakka needs to be a member of the party for any of this to work. He could be the NPC coach of the NPC team who has to quit for any number of other reasons. Maybe he's getting too old to go on coaching a team that loses every tournament, and wants to hand the team over to the younger generation. That would at least echo one of the main themes of the game: letting the past go, breaking a destructive cycle, and moving forward. As it is, I don't think the tournament does much more than give Wakka a fine send off from his team and introduce the mini-game.
Moving on in the list, given that everyone in the party other than Yuna is a guardian, I have to count point two as redundant, as well. Worse, Yuna is even chastised by another summoner for having so many guardians. So not only is Wakka unnecessary, but his presence strains the accepted protocol for a summoner's journey.
From a player's perspective, seven characters is more than enough for a game that only allows three in battle at a time; six would suffice. And his special ranged attack being strong against flying enemies could be given to someone else while, as a bonus, whomever got that trait would surely carry a weapon more reasonable than a blitzball.
Point three, at last, is actually unique to Wakka, and even has some significance in the story. Wakka lost his brother Chappu to Sin and Tidus looks a lot like Chappu did, which is part of what causes Wakka to help Tidus when he first arrives in Spira. Later, Wakka hatched a theory that Tidus' trip from Zanarkand to Spira via Sin might mean that Chappu might be alive, having likewise been transported somewhere and might be able to come back.
Story wise, this is all good stuff. It gives someone an excuse to help Tidus (rather than put him to work as did the Al Bhed), and it underlines the incomplete understanding the people of Spira have regarding Sin and what he does. Unfortunately for Wakka, Lulu also has her own unique and strong connection to Chappu, and could have just as easily been the person in Besaid to try to help Tidus. In fact, this could have been a good way to get Lulu involved more directly with the events of the game. As it is, she's often relegated to being the scold who has to remind Wakka that Chappu is gone and Tidus isn't going to somehow change that.
Looking at point four, this is true of several people in the party to some extent, given that their quest is at its very core a religious pilgrimage, ending in a showdown between good and evil. Wakka takes his piety to a bit of an extreme, though, often being the first and loudest person to insist on what is and is not part of Yu Yevon's teachings.
Once again, I don't understand why this role isn't given to Lulu. She's the older-sister to Yuna, she's the black mage to Yuna's white, and she's been on a few failed pilgrimages already. She's the perfect one to be constantly lecturing Yuna on all the ways the teachings are being ignored and how they'll end in disaster. She's already scolding Wakka about Chappu, she could surely direct some of that to Yuna.
Finally, Wakka is a racist. To break the pattern here: I'm not sure there's any reason to hand this aspect over to Lulu. He hates the Al Bhed, but it's mainly for their flagrant disregard for the teachings, which loops back to his religious fanaticism. There's a way to hate the sin without hating the sinner, as it were, to come at this topic with righteous indignation, but not the outright hatred of a people group. This would still be something Lulu could struggle with, just like Wakka as he tries to reconcile the fact that Rikku seems like an ok person, even though she's an Al Bhed.
For me, that struggle is the most interesting part about Wakka. He represents the voice of the conservative people of Spira. Even though we have plenty of opportunities to talk to the actual conservative people of Spira, without someone like Wakka in the party, it might be too easy to write them off as ignorant fools without worrying too much about whether or not they change, or if it's even worth the effort for them to change.
Having someone like Wakka in the party also lets us bring that conservative voice directly to the people they respect, and we can see how someone we understand as a character reacts in those situations. Without someone like Wakka, I don't know that the late stages of the game have the same impact. Yes, Yuna and the rest are suitably baffled and upset, but I see Wakka as being hit the hardest, because of how earnestly, almost desperately committed he is.
And that would be a great character trait to give Lulu. They all would be (again, except for the blitzball part). She is such a cool character in other ways, it just strikes me as a conspicuous waste to not give her more to do related to the plot. Especially when Wakka, a preposterous goof, gets so much more to do than her. There's no need to eliminate Wakka entirely, just make him an NPC and let Lulu take over for him.